DRONA project has been established to design and develop a smart drone to assist the firefighter crew for civil defense applications. It’s intended to support the firefighters in their day-to-day rescue missions such as surveying fires in buildings. This will allow them to identify and locate entrances and exits of the buildings to plan the rescue route. DRONA will also be equipped with many capabilities and sensors such as GPS, camera, microphone, vital signs sensors, emergency kit and much more. DRONA is also intended to help locate and guide people trapped in buildings. DRONA will also be able assess vital signs such as heart rate, temperature, and oxygen level of patients and people injured and/or trapped in fires, fluids and earthquakes to mention a few. DRONA will allow two-way video and audio communication with rescue teams remotely through its detected wireless connection and using cellular data. Additionally, rescue teams will also be able to communicate with the injured remotely and prompt them and guide them to safety. The firefighter crew will be able to dispatch DRONA remotely to a predefined GPS co-ordinate immediately after receiving a distress call. DRONA will be able to fly and navigate automatically (auto pilot) to the assigned GPS location. DRONA will also be equipped with advanced capabilities such as artificial intelligence for facial, body and object recognition. This will allow DRONA to assist in search-and-rescue operations to find lost or missing people. DRONA will be able to send vital signs data, locations, video and audio information in real time to a remote laptop that is located at the civil defense center, the emergency vehicle, and the fire engine. We believe DRONA will be a great asset to rescue teams to do their job quickly and efficiently. DRONA will not only be able to save time, but it will also save lives -save time, save lives.


To develop a smart drone to assist the firefighter crew for civil defense applications.


To make the DRONA a great asset to rescue teams to do their job quickly and efficiently.


DRONA will not only be able to save time, but it will also save lives -save time, save lives.


Assist the firefighter crew

It’s intended to support the firefighters in their day-to-day rescue missions such as surveying fires in buildings. This will allow them to identify and locate entrances and exits of the buildings to plan the rescue route.

Assess vital signs

Such as heart rate, temperature, and oxygen level of patients and people injured and/or trapped in fires, fluids and earthquakes to mention a few.

Allow two-way video and audio communication

DRONA will allow two-way video and audio communication with rescue teams remotely through its detected wireless connection and using cellular data.

Assist in search-and-rescue operations

DRONA will also be equipped with advanced capabilities such as artificial intelligence for facial, body and object recognition. This will allow DRONA to assist in search-and-rescue operations to find lost or missing people.

Fly automatically

The firefighter crew will be able to dispatch DRONA remotely to a predefined GPS co-ordinate immediately after receiving a distress call. DRONA will be able to fly and navigate automatically (auto pilot) to the assigned GPS location.

Great asset to rescue teams

DRONA will be able to send vital signs data, locations, video and audio information in real time to a remote laptop that is located at the civil defense center, the emergency vehicle, and the fire engine.


Our Project has its expectations to work up to, after careful research, planning and calulating, we are expected to be done soon.









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  • Simulation

Civil Defense Support

DRONA with Civil Defense

DRONA simulation


DRONA video


Weekly Meetings

Dr.Emad Abdelsalam and Saif Siouf


At HTU second annual Conference

PMS Device

Patient monitoring device

The Mentors

Dr.Emad Abdelsalam and Dr.Feras Kafiah

DRONA prototype

Our drone in progress

Civil Defense Visit

DRONA with Civil Defense


Our Background

The Team consists of many majors joined together to bring the success of this project. Majors include: Energy Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science. We brought in our different skills to collaborate and bring Drona to life.

cs electrical mechanical energy mentors

The Team

Emad Abdelsalam, Ph.D.

Project Owner/Supervisor Faculty member, School of Engineering Technology. Faculty member, School of Computing and Informatics. Emad.Abdelsalam@htu.edu.jo

Feras Kafiah, Ph.D.

Project Owner/Supervisor Faculty member, School of Engineering Technology. Department of Mechanical Engineering feras.kafiah@htu.edu.jo

Nada AlDmour

Sensor Team Energy Engineering nada.aldmour@htu.edu.jo

Layan AlRagheb

Sensor Team Energy Engineering Layan.alragheb@htu.edu.jo

Mohammad Jamjoum

Sensor Team Electrical Engineering Mohammad.jamjoum@htu.edu.jo

Saif Siouf

Hardware Team Energy Engineering Saif.Siouf@htu.edu.jo

Mohammad Aljazzazi

Hardware Team Mechanical engineering Mohammad.Jazaza@htu.edu.jo

Hashem AlTamneh

Hardware Team Electrical Engineering Hashem.taamneh@htu.edu.jo

Enas Ibraiwesh

Software Team Computer Science enas.ibraiwesh@htu.edu.jo

Zayna Amierh

Software Team Computer Science zayna.amierh@htu.edu.jo

Lina Badawi

Software Team Computer Science lina.badawi@htu.edu.jo

Contact Us


Bulding 23, King Hussein Business Park, King Abdullah II St 242, Amman