{{GetWord('Al-Hussein Technical University')}}

{{GetWord('Future Starts Here')}}

{{GetWord('The strategy of HTU is to create an internationally competitive higher education institution, modeled after a premier and innovative-style advanced technical university')}} .

{{GetWord('Schools & Programs')}}

{{GetWord('Welcome To HTU')}}

{{GetWord('Al Hussein Technical University, established by the Crown Prince Foundation, was born out of a need to bridge the gap between the numbers of graduates and their rate of employment in technical fields. To remedy this problem, the Crown Prince Foundationsought to create a distinguished model of technical education that features a seamless combination of excellence, rigor and close attunement to the ever-changing demands and developments of Industry')}} .


{{GetWord('Why HTU')}}

{{GetWord('Al Hussein Technical University (HTU) is a higher education institution established to support Jordanian youth’s pursuit of vocational, technical and applied education. As a true advocate of STEM education, HTU works to achieve a world-leading education for young people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)')}} .

{{GetWord('The university offers diploma and bachelor degree programs in the fields of applied engineering. Our hands-on curriculum is informed by industrial needs, local and global challenges. It is designed to spur innovative, problem solving, and entrepreneurial spirit among our students')}} .

{{GetWord('Pearson Support Hub')}}

{{GetWord('Pearson support hub is the student gateway to learn more about BTEC Higher Nationals, HNC and HND courses. It is the platform for additional resources, such as tutorials, news, and updates')}} .


{{MainNews.PublishDate | amDateFormat:'DD/MM/YYYY ' }}

{{ MainNews.TitleLang | limitTo: 100 }}....

{{x.PublishDate | amDateFormat:'DD/MM/YYYY ' }}

{{ x.TitleLang | limitTo: 100 }}....

{{GetWord('Al-Hussein Technical University')}}

#{{GetWord('Future Starts Here')}}

{{GetWord('HTU Partners')}}